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thermotron management training — tell me some thing i don’t know June 17, 2014 Leave a comment thermotron– Thomas Bannach also promoted him self as a dutch and christan church goer– in the effort to hide his “wickedness”- Tell Me Something I Don’t Know thermotron–Thomas Bannach also promoted him self as a dutch and christan church goer– in the effort to hid hi “wickedness”- Tell Me Something I Don’t Know ok thermotron management training- with Bob WILEY by brother1sister The games that people play, reinforce whatever social rules they are trying to fulfil; Whatever dream or image they are trying to promote. Big John the Tindink early on dramatized the game of deceit at one weasel factory I worked. In the effort to hide his backstabbing and defrauding his co-workers he would say : “Old Bob is as Smart as a Fox. Old Bob the Original “First Ever” National Manager. You might say he was ” the Godfather ” of the “I Lied for You ” Good Old Boy’s Club in the environmental chamber industry. So, lets take a look at his Character and the business methods he employed. The nature of the environmental industry; The demands and requirements of equipment performance results in: the product shapes the character of its masters. The industry really started to take-off and develop in the 1960′s as a result of the space program. What was being sold were primarily custom made environmental test equipment, and every unit had it own particular personality or problems. The basic engineering was done on a drafting board, the final engineered product was produced on the production floor, in the their final test dept, with many setbacks and problems. As late as 1982 the industry was still taking up to a year over its given ship date to get (custom work) equipment operating and shipped to the customer. There was always a push to ship equipment prior to having all the -bugs-out to get that final payment. It was then the responsibility of the field service dept. to satisfy the customer needs, and equipment requirements. No- news-is-good- news!!!! What this then did was produce an attitude of getting the customer off their backs. Get a body-over[service representive] over there to the customer’s shop so they will shut up!!! ed [customer concern was “really” about number #9 on the list, the real concern was to get that last payment] So this pressure encouraged the “I Lied For YOU” Philosophy of management. Good Old Bob’s business philosophy as told: “I consider it part of your job to do the final sell-off of this equipment; It doesn’t matter if the equipment works right or not: “Your job is to convince the customer it is working correctly!!!!!! So, of course you’re going to have to lie. The next step in this process you are supposed to tell the customer anything they want to hear(always agree with them, Yes I understand was popular.). This means ship dates–promise anything because of the long lead time to produce the test equipment the customer will be locked in six months down the road; even if there is a drop-dead-clause (refuse to accept the order upon delivery) because they won’t have the time to reorder from anyone else. Performance–promise just about anything because it will perform at that specification sometimes “the manufacture just doesn’t know when or how often.” ed. [if it doesn’t work correctly get-a-body-over-there.] If the customer wants to verify the test results of the equipment prior to shipment that’s “ok” EXCEPT how about if we just send you a copy of the doctored test results. [doesn’t everybody else do the same thing??.] Well do you get the drift??—everything is set-up for deception. You might say that the client is: “Someone who you get drunk so you can then find out how much money they really have got to spend”. Or insert a straw into the back of their skull and suck until their head caves in!!!! Thus the introduction of the “I–Lied–For–You–Club”. {The Good-Old-Boys-Club} He typified the management style there; the rule for management was simple. “It’s OK to lie to a little bit” if it keeps him or us out of trouble. It was sometimes an adventure talking to “Old Bob” you see he had this pregnant profile and when he would talk to someone he would preface the conversation with: ” Well ya, know I’ve been in this business for twenty-eight years now “ [as he would rub his hands up and down his fat belly] “and the environmental business has been very-very-good-to-me, I’ve seen a lot of things, blah, blah. blah.” Big John and Old Bob were a good “fit” Big John was also technically incompetent, lazy, and a drunk, and his main snitch(but a “fun” guy to be around). Observing Big John’s activities it was not surprise that he would sell anyone down the river. He was always running behind everyone’s back. john tenbrink and thomas bannach discovered the same thing about their skills at thermotron– the title of “field service engineer” did not include any skill “except ” lying to the customer or your co worker and neither could find employment out side of the environmental chamber industry– this was also true with Bob Wiley– when he was “drummed out” by daniel j o”keefe– what else could he do but to hang on to john sexton– ed [perhaps the ease of the environmental chamber business attracts the thugs] as mark lamers said “Good people don’t work here 4 long” I honestly don’t think that “all people” are bad – Like sheep, they will pretend or believe anything two sources tell them and all the vague inuendo’s. Whatever the “group think” is that’s what is best to believe,and say. ed.{I’m not cynical just experienced} all though at thermotron i met a large number of EVIL thinking people– who go to church to hide their business life style- this was also appearent at russles technical products — with Don Bench– former thermotron employee– who’s motto ws ” i have to lie to my workers– and keep the wages low– But as Gregory V Johnson the shifty little pathological liar and klepto thief said after he helped plot to defraud and set-up four secretaries and two salesman and other co-workers. a Thomas W bannach convert– and neighbor HOOD thief– “people are fools to try to live an honest life because every one will walk all over them” Thomas Bannach also promoted him self as a dutch and christan church goer– in the effort to hid hi “wickedness” Further more it doesn’t matter what he does to anyone it’s ok to lie, cheat, steal, etc,-etc..etc…!! so long as they get away with it… His classic was ” you are supposed to tell anyone anything they want to hear and it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not you just tell it to them anyway” He was one of the biggest thefts. He used to practice lying on a daily basis, developing stories that might cover his actions. If all else failed he would say ; “Well I lied for you” (or I’ll lie for you), or who’s gona know? ed. [he was a company pet, and had the mgr wound around his little finger.] according to hil sybesma Dean- the Trip stated that: “they” like people like him.” Keep in mind he was stealing everything that he could get his hands on, defrading his co-workers, and the customers were always complaining. But he told management anything they wanted to hear (of course). He was fired from the next company, ENSECO “they couldn’t figure out why they hired him in the first place!” a bad organizational fit there! BUT he was also – thief at montgumary wards/sears appliance repair man– at thermotron he daily robbed the customers– and embezzled about 10,000 to 15,000 per year– But Thomas Bannach as trained by Bob Wiley– considered that ok– becasue he was an effective “false Wittness” to his co workers and the customer bob wiley thermotron management training by markmestrange when i worked at thermotron interesting thing about holland michigan and thermotron, is that the managers i delt with all bragg with liers and deceivers..they are.. when ROn Wiley was the thermotron west coast manager, dispatcher, “good old boy” I was working at Litton Ind and just set up an test lab for them in Oregon i hired and trained the new staff and when Ron Wiley sent up 3 thermotron field service technicians, all 3 combined barley made up one complete person.. But they have to get their training somewhere.. one customer at time… Then Ron Wiley dispatehed a unskilled and un qualified employee from washington state to perform the start up on an vibration shaker.. his only training at thermotron was they told him it was “roundand blue ” and it fit under the chamber.. after a week of trying to get it to work.. he concluded that the logic moduel was bad.. 40 hours for that.. But he did know where the “Hidden Buttons” were on the chamber temperature controller.. the 3 other field service engineers Ron Wiley dispatched didn’t have a clue.. when i asked if he could do a operational performance over view for the 13 men i had hired in the test lab , Ron wiley and Dave waterfield said thermotron no longer does that for customers.. Ron Wiley asked me if i remembered Berry Wright who was a Tom Bannach replacement.. and he quit thermotron when dave waterfield gave him a Dan O’keefe review.. policy .. find some thing they did wrong and make a big deal about it.. so u don’t have to give then a raise. . he quit as the West Coast Manager, and Fred Plont had a lot of backstabbing words to say about that … but as i said to fred Plont.. “what’sit to u ?” and freds reply was ” Well he won’t be able to find a better job where u don’t have to work very hard” as fred’s claim to fame is being a lazy lying 2 faced back stabber and embezzler.. u can see why he is a long ter m Thermotron employee.. Heck.. Bob Wiley hired him twice!!! any way… because Holland Michigan is know as the West Coast Hipocroits.. and Thermotron is a great place to see all the different types of liars, thieves and embezzlers, all of them fit into howard pittmans profile on who is going to Hell thermotron – Good Pelople dont’ workd here (4 long) by mark lamers Thermotron – training 2 b a lier deceiver and a field service engineer– Former Thermotron employee management training Thermotron – training 2 b a lier deceiver and a field servoce engineer HD CC Thumbnail 0:31 GEICO – Old McDonald – TV Commercial GEICO, just like everyone knows Old McDonald wasn’t a … “> Thumbnail 0:12 135,359 views 4:32 Dot: Spelling Beeby ZachhisHere607,588 views 6:03 The dutchboy Religious Holland Michigan Whore manager KNOWn:S THE SPINELESS -GUTTLESS-WONDER- or The- over-payed-do-nothing \ The dutchboy Religious manager conspired to defraud his co-workers; and if someone didn’t go along with the stories (support his lies) he would point suspicion about them by saying things like, “they have a problem“. Uuuuu has overlooked the character of a liar; a liar will: 1.lie, 2.cheat, 3.steal and embezzle, 4.slander, 5.murder, 6.lead people astray, 7.blame it on someone else, 8.deny it, 9.then lie about it. Everyone wishes everyone else’s discrediting, demotion, and ruin; everyone is an expert in the confidential report, the pretended alliance, the stab in the back. Over all this their good manners, their expressions of grave respect, their “tributes” to one another’s invaluable services form a thin crust. Every now and then it gets punctured, and the scalding lava of their hatred spurts out. Seems that ole A.G. has taken a strange tack here. I used to think that I had missed something by not moving directly from college into the weird world of neckties & suits & shoulder pads & high heels.. That is, until I got the last few jobs. Now I can see that I didn’t miss anything. That I was blessed to have taken the narrow winding path instead. My recent leap right smack into the world of mainstream has been a Piss-in-Your-Pants sort of exp. Really! A non-stop journey through the Twilight Zone. Astonishingly illuminating. Naturally, my response has been sharp and merciless. It takes a good grip not to get sucked into the machinery. But anyway, Jung said if you become highly individualized (free thinker) , you can become independent of the mass consciousness. It is these liberated individuals- who live outside the circle of the druid dance- who sometimes change the course of human history. (the Lutheran religion started thus) Tis the hermits and pilgrims and magicians that will save us, if anyone can. So, A.G., this is what I think: There are two kinds of critics. There are critics motivated by poison and insanity who criticize with the intention of causing pain (read Mein Kampf by A. Hitler); and there are critics motivated by an intense optimism [now rare] who criticize for the sake of awakening rapture (read Island by A. Huxley). I hallucinate that I am of the latter type. Thanks for your concern. What I’m doing is necessary to my voyage. Sorry it’s so weird. Being a Seeker-of-Truth is a difficult path to walk, people want to hear what they want to hear… and what do they want to hear? That they are fine, good, clever, smart and successful whom we all have a great deal of respect for. ed. [Seeking human respect can be fatal, a fatal error] The games that people play, reinforce whatever social rules they are trying to fulfil; Whatever dream or image they are trying to promote. Big John the Tindink early on dramatized the game of deceit at one weasel factory I worked. In the effort to hide his backstabbing and defrauding his co-workers he would say : “Old Bob is as Smart as a Fox. Old Bob the Original “First Ever” National Manager. You might say he was ” the Godfather ” of the “I Lied for You “ Good Old Boy’s Club in the environmental chamber industry. So, lets take a look at his Character and the business methods he employed. welll maybe not 2 day… but remember U…2… can be a whore Thermotron Good people don’t work here by dave durham and associates THERMOTRON–Thomas Bannach management training yes at thermotron you meet the weird–est perverts— Thomas Bannach was always going around call his co-workers GAY Bob Wiley — Hired Thomas Bannach– Twice!! Yes like most perverts at Thermotron– Thomas Bannach discovered that after he QUIT after working as a Field service engineer in california He discovered — he was an UNskilled – Queer and pervert- from Holland Michigan– the the company he worked for — for about 6 months– in california — figured out he was a back-stabbing dumb ass so he called up Bob Wiley– and begged for a job again at Thermotron– this was also the situation for John Tenbrink– he also found out “the Hard way” that he couldn’t and didn’t have the basic skil;;s of a “HVAC trained service man– 177,707 views 4:44 ‘human puppet’ won’t dance by AreFriendsEletcric595,610 Bob wiley helped thomas bannach lie cheat deceive and defraud his co workers.. like john tenbrink they bragged that Bob Wiley would believe their lies– Bob wiley is in the version of Heaven where liars and thieves and deceivers — continue their currupt behavior BUT it is easy to be a sexual pervert if you are from Holland Michigan and a pervert and work at THERMOTRON i asked daniel J O’keefe about it — and he say’s “ya this company lets in every kind– of pervert yes indeed at thermotron you have to be careful of what kind of luggage you use– if you have a “DAY BAG” and are on the road traveling to customer’s — it has to be a square attach box, it can not be a shoulder bag– other wise– Hollan michigan perverts will– be confused and call it a purse-0- H –oh — can’t tell the difference– yes being a pervert at thermotron– is a hard road– you have to lie , cheat , steal, embezzle and defraud your co workers– and if some one need’s help — you have to say sorry– i ‘m not allowed — Thomas bannach and the management staff said “No” BESIDES– maybe — you are being “DRUMMED OUT” harassment and defrauding you co-workers the the “APPROVED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM,” ‘remember””’I–HEAR–ABOUT=— YOU!!!!! it ok to lie cheat steal and embezzle cuz jesus died 4 me by holland mich dutch and christ reformed mark lamers– and randy herdes funniest bits– thermotron perverts and holland michigan liars yes get your start at thermotron— we will pay you 10’00 that’s ten dollars a n hour– and that is more then “miminum wage!! former employee well you are right it is safe to say “only say good things” as i don’t have very many good things to say about the different liers thieves and embzzlers and drunks and slanders i worked thermotron .. nownow as tom bannish bragged it’s ok to be currupt .. he like most of the people who are evil there will be dead and go to hell.. good riddence. as a matter of face do you know of any of the people from there who have good character? i can count them on one hand But as i have never worked with such a big determined gang of liers, slanders and theves, as with thermotron.. The Boeing project i got introduced to tenbrink and durham.. both liers and embezzlers, and drunks this is the first time management allowed people to be drunk on the job and falseafy their work hours.. (i think not) but bob wiles was a lier and a drunk.. I was the exception and that is why Mr Pietz at boeing hired me 3 years later.. i am normal.. and reliable. He said that he likes to hire people who u don’t have to wonder what they are doing John TenBrink was such a bad example of a Thermotron employee that he could’nt get them to hire him even as a custodian, janitor. That was during the time boeing had over 25,000 thousand employees.. and he found that he couldn’t find a decient job any where in kansas.. So finally he begged Bob Wiley (he was now a promotion guy)at sexton Espec inc. because “Old Bob is as smart as a fox) ya right.. if u believe that then we will sell your children out as Whores. But after misleading mardy rich.. and defrauding him, John Tenbrink got to go into sales.. and sales in the chamber business is getting the customer drunk and pretending u are their friend. from there he went to Environtronics, where Gary Molinar was just leaving.. as he said about john.. it dosen’t take much to fill out a “request for material” and his evualiation of Environtronics was that as a “spin off” company.. they took 2 steps and fell on their face.. I met Gary Molinar at Russles Technicial Products.. and at this company Don Bench hired people who needed to learn a trade.. and learn a job But Gary said he was different .. He came there to Do a Job” not just learn a job. I quit here because Bill Bench was sending me out to start-up equipment that didn’t quite work right.. and finally bill told me that that it didn’t matter if the equipment worked at all, my job was to get the customer to sign off. I told him i didn’t defraud people. and lia.. so he drummed me out.. The last job in New York.. was typical of his style.. “he shipped a 40 by 50 foot walkin chamber that had never been tested or assembled.. and the customer thought there would be a factory team to complete this project.. but there was only me. ha back at thermotron Tom bannash promoted lieing cheating and stealing and embezzeling and slandering employees on the west coast, he said “everyone is the manager” and he would go around saying”sombody said , this or that but i didn’t believe it, or he would tell me and others that “He lied for U” Then he would send Dean Tripp an old time sales/manager/senior service guy to lie to his co-workers to find out what was going on. (dean tripp is in Farmington New Mex) he said they like people who are like this.. Tom Bannish bragged that Roger Cannery let him do “His thing” which was: 1. it’s ok to lie,cheat and defraud people a little bit everyday (because everyone he knows is that way) he told me that everyone was cheating on their expenses and that i needed to do the same. (Get with the program) 2. if someone does a good job he will lie and say they did a bad job. 3.if someone does a bad job he will lie and say they did a good job 4if some one needs help with a job, he will lie and say they don’t need help. 5if someone doesnot need help he will lie and say that they need help. the evil guy i worked with once showed me all the placed he robbed in Pasidena California as he was growing up. He robbed customers daily and bo bjarno the sales staff and my self told tom banish and he considered it ok. This guy robbed and embezzled over 50,000 dollars and jim roulfes helped him steal an additional 20,000 thousand by removing bo bjarno the last blockage. Now even though bo was a drunk he had better character than bannash. Tom Bannash bragged he could lible slander every one and you people would believe his lies., Now the fact that dan o’keff and tom bannash called employees and co-workers the “gay ” and the gay blade behind” their back is another example of the slandering evil attitude that was there. Hil sysbesma told me embezzling was not stealing it was “working the system”his rate was about $000 .00 while i was there… So, now Jim Roulives made him a sales man.. the big joke was that he took a pay cut to go into sales.. ya right. Oh ya Curtt (bo bjarno’s ) replacement said all jim rulloff did was walk around with a good grip on his ankles. Obviously dan o’keef would make any Roman Catholic childmolester or petafile safe and proud, Dan O’keefe did tell me that this company lets in any type of person.. when i asked Tom Bannash what the Hell he ment by that? his reply was typical for a tom bannish “I don’t know” Nobody else askes me that question. ask wayne or mark lamers oh what’s the surprise?? if u work for thermotron expect to be lied to .. because this company is run like a male /female escort service

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