Wednesday, August 6, 2008


How to Discern Evil People at thermotron when i worked at thermotron– human resourse– called me up and asked me what i wanted for my 5 year award– ( a ball point pen- or a ??) well –– Gee i think thomas Bannach is gong to drum — out everyone– out ! so as not to leave any one left who might talk “bad” about him- – and as Virginia Norris said– said — well if they are going to “harass you and drum– you out — then i’ m quiting this company– as the sales and service support person– so she was replaced with the 5th person — that left because Advertisements REPORT THIS AD thomas bannach the holland michigan Pervert and Thermotron slander achieved his objective again– and Chad the next Field Sales Engineer– said– hey how do you get customers to — make time to go to lunch with you?? and Gregoy V Johnson– the lyer and thief– said — well who can say ??- so now that northern california thermotron office — is closed– because thomas bannach libled and slandered the employee’s and promoted robbery –thief– embezzlement– – becasuse he was leaving the sinking ship– and going to ENSECO chamber co- with Randy Bunn– where he would lie and steal, and embezzle — for a few monthes more — a and then ENSECO would go to his house — on the week end and fire him- – i guess he should have called up Thomas Bannach at Thermotron– or maybe Roger Cannady and associates– as he was their inner circle who was a false wittness and defrauded his co workers– In the course of life we come across and meet many people. Some we form friendships with and others we avoid. We often keep the people that make us feel good as friends, and the ones that make us feel bad we keep our distance. The problem is that evil people know full well how to make us feel good and how to manipulate us so that they can gain power and control over us. There are two types of people we need to avoid. The aggressive and the passive aggressive types. The aggressive types use anger to control you. You go along in order to get along. They always get their way because we don't want them to explode on you and ruin the day. But then we get so angry and frustrated because we never stand up for ourselves. Because of this a wife may allow herself to be totally controlled and manipulated by the husband while blaiming herself for all the domestic problems. "Oh if I just had not dropped the dish Frank would not of flipped. I am so stupid!" The husband then uses this by saying, "You should be thankfull I married you because no one else would have you!" Men that beat their wives while convincing them that they disserved it and they had better smarten up. The solution would be for the wife to muster up her courage and confront her husband so that they can he can then have a bad day. From that point on they will avoid the wife will be in control. But if the husband is violent and physically abusive, then this solution could be very dangerous and volatile. I think most professionals would advise the woman to pack up and leave for a shelter. The passive aggressive types do not confront you or explode with anger. What they do is to subtly push your buttons until you explode and yell. At this point they play the victim and may cry. They say things like, "Why are you so angry." They manipulate us into thinking it is our fault so that we feel guilty. Once we feel guilty, then they use this to control us. Below is a list of the "Top Ten" evil people of all time followed by a list of the "Top Ten" good people of all time -- sorted in order of evilness and goodness. Please add your votes. Who would you like to see added to the list? What alterations would you make to the list or the ordering? Do the scales of good and evil balance? If I may have permission to quote you in a manuscript, please give permission in your note to me. Why is it easier to think of evil examples than good ones? Is it much easier to do something big and bad than it is to do something big and good? Developing this list was not an easy task due to the complexity of human personalities and the fact that goodness and evilness depend on the perspective of the time. (For example, perhaps many Americans consider dropping the bomb on Hiroshima "good" whereas many Japanese consider it "evil.") On the evilness scale, I gave additional weight to those people who actually enjoyed and personally participated in the utter horror they produced. When compiling the good list, I also considered the number of people killed by the followers of the "good" person during the person's life time. For both the good and evil list, I also asked myself the question, "With whom would I least like to be in a room, and with whom would I most like to be in a room?" If you are not happy with this list, drop me a line, because the list changes in response to suggestions from my readers. If you had scales and put Stalin's massacres on the left side, what could you put on the right-hand side to balance it? Extreme kindness and attempts to alleviate suffering? Curing cancer? Ending world hunger? Charity? Elevating the thinking of humankind with respect to human rights? Perhaps the very best people don't seek publicity for their good deeds; these are the unknown heroes who work tirelessly with the poor and the sick. When considering religions leaders, do we need to consider possible negative results that evolved, such as fundamentalist groups that suppress women, or the concept of Jihad, or holy war? If the Inquisition arose out of Christianity, need we consider this in assessments we make? 1. Tomas de (bannash)Torquemada (pictured here) - Born in Spain in 1420, his name is synonymous with the Christian Inquisition's horror, religious bigotry, and cruel fanaticism. He was a fan of various forms of torture including foot roasting, use of the garrucha, and suffocation. He was made Grand Inquisitor by Pope Sixtus IV. Popes and kings alike praised his tireless efforts. The number of burnings at the stake during Torquemada's tenure has been estimated at about 2,000. Torquemada's hatred of Jews influenced Ferdinand and Isabella to expel all Jews who had not embraced Christianity. H. H. Holmes - built a hundred-room mansion complete with gas chambers, trap doors, acid vats, lime pits, fake walls and secret entrances. During the 1893 World's Fair he rented rooms to visitors. He then killed most of his lodgers and continued his insurance fraud scheme. He also lured women to his "torture castle" with the promise of marriage. Instead, he would force them to sign over their savings, then throw them down an elevator shaft and gas them to death. In the basement of the castle he dismembered and skinned his prey and experimented with their corpses. He killed over 200 people.

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