Thursday, August 28, 2008

Character Assassination

thomas bannach and gregory v johnson bragged that it dosn't matter what U say about anyone.. so long as U get away with it..

dean tripp said that thomas bannach "really did not" have the character to be a manager.. and that he was dishonest and deceite full with he worked for him.

" />
II. The Penalty For Character Assassination. One of the ways we understand the severity of an offence is by the penalty imposed for the transgression. By including character assassination in the ten commandments, God put it on a par with murder, adultery and stealing. God gave a specific and a general penalty for character assassination.

1. The specific penalty is to be equal to the charge a malicious witness makes in a court of law. "If a malicious witness takes the stand to accuse a man of a crime, the two men involved in the dispute must stand in the presence of the LORD before the priests and the judges who are in office at the time. The judges must make a thorough investigation, and if the witness proves to be a liar, giving false testimony against his brother, then do to him as he intended to do to his brother. You must purge the evil from among you." (Deuteronomy 19:16­19 NIV)

If the penalty for charge you brought against me was a three year jail sentence, if I was found to be innocent, then you would spend the three years in jail. If we did that today, it would put an end to frivolous lawsuits.

2. The general penalty is loss of fellowship with God. The writer of Psalm 15 asks God the following question. "LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? (Psalm 15:1) Dwelling is God's presence, enjoying the blessing of God was important to King David.

God identifies for King David those who will enjoy the God's blessing. "He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman." (Ps 15:1­3 NIV) If you insist on slandering the character of other people you'll lose the goodness and love that comes from dwelling in God's presence.

Character Assassination-Bloodless Murder
This will give you a clear understanding of the evil of character assassination and why God imposes still penalties on those who engage in this cowardly act.

This is the last day that our airways will be filled with election lies, half-truths, scare tactics-character assassination. I have a special dislike for one ad that says, "A vote for Mr. Politician will be a vote to dismantle health care, education and all things Canadian." You can hear desperation in some of the adds. Many of these ads are a direct violation of the ninth commandment which says, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour." (Exodus. 20:16)

When was the last time that you were slandered? Can you remember when someone spread a vicious lie about you? Do you remember how powerless you felt? Can you recall the anger that welled up with-in you, that urge to get even. Do you remember how you wanted to buy a full page ad in the local paper that would proclaim you innocence. Do you remember how some friends believed the lie and turned their backs on you.

Perhaps you can recollect how the lie was wrapped in a half-truth. Your enemy took part of a sentence that you spoke and put a twist on it that you never intended it to have. That twist cast you in a negative light. Welcome to the world of bloodless murder.

This morning my message will give you a clear understanding of what constitutes character assassination. Second, we'll look at the penalties God imposes for character assassination. Third, a positive word about how we break the destructive habit of character assassination.

I. Character Assassination Is The Cold Blooded Destruction Of Our Most Valuable Personal Asset You character is one of your most prized possession. Character is what defines you as a person. There was a day when a dollar bill was worth a certain amount of gold. For every dollar that was printed, there was gold to give value to the printed money.

Character is the gold that backs up the paper money which is personality, which is your public image. I can develop a positive mental attitude and read books on human and public relations which will lubricate the processes of human interaction. But that doesn't mean that I have character.

Character grows like rings on a tree, slowly and deliberately. Character is what I am when no one is looking. It is what I think about in the still darkness of the night. Character is the most important ingredient I can bring to any relationship. Character is the gold of my life. When you mis-represent and slander me, you are stealing my gold.

Sometimes in the public eye that gold is never replaced. I know a married Christian man whom I'll call Mike. About eight years ago Mike seduced a Christian woman. I also heard that Mike's wife accused him of sexually molesting his children.

Every time I see Mike in the store, I think about his adultery and about the molesting accusation against him. When I see him I say to myself, "There goes the man whose wife reportedly accused him of molesting his little children." There are some things we never forget. Only Heaven will erase them from our minds. Character assassination does lasting, long-term damage.

I am told that Mike confessed his adultery and is a healed person. The other accusation is still out there floating around. Let's assume that it's not true. Every time I see that man I think of that accusation and I look at him and say to myself, "Could Mike have done what was alleged against him?" Because of that accusation I would never leave young children alone with Mike. An accusation has robbed Mike of gold in his character account.

Many of you have shared with me details of your past. You are likely asking yourself, "Does Eugene always think of me in light of what I confessed to him?"

When you confess something, you freely acknowledge what you were. Paul said to the Ephesian believers, "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light" (Ephesians 5:8 NIV)

Paul is saying, "Our relationship is based on the new reality of what we are today in Jesus Christ. The old reality has passed away, the new reality is what counts. I take delight in your new reality and praise God for the new character He is building in your lives.

Character assassination is the act of painting a false picture of a person and presenting it as that person's reality. God declares that to be an abominable act of cowardice. It was an abuse of free speech that angered God.

One practice God hated was when rich people would falsely accuse poor people and gain an unjust conviction against them. One day Sonia discovered $20.00 missing from her purse. Through a process of elimination, we narrowed the list of suspects to a young boy whom I'll call Jerry.

The more we thought about the reasons why Jerry was guilty, the more we convinced ourselves that Jerry was the culprit. One day Sonia said to me, "When Jerry looked at me today he sure looked guilty." I responded, "Yea, I noticed Jerry slinking around me. Guilt was oozing from him.

Guess what! We found the $20.00. Jerry was innocent, yet we were positive of his guilt. In Jesus' day Jerry may have been a poor man and we may have been rich people. Suppose someone had robbed and killed our friend and in our minds it seemed like Jerry was the killer.

With our influence we could get him convicted and in our minds we could justify skipping the due process of law. God says, "You shall not lie about another person, do not bring false accusations against him, do not deny him justice." "Do not deny justice to your poor people in their lawsuits. Have nothing to do with a false charge and do not put an innocent or honest person to death, for I will not acquit the guilty." (Exodus 23:6­7 NIV) Charging a person on speculation is character assassination.

We are also guilty of character assassination when we plant seeds of doubt about a person's integrity. We do this by asking questions with a malicious inflection. "Are you sure that's what he meant?" "Where do you think he was between 7:00 and 11:00?" "I'm not saying he did it, but if I know him he sure is capable of doing it." "If you were the Mayor and your friend bid on the project, why of course you would give your friend the inside track." "If he wasn't power hungry, why would he run for the office?" "If you knew what I knew" Or, "Not her, she's the last person that I would trust."

We assassinate character by putting our own interpretation on the words the another person speaks. Sometimes speakers choose poor illustrations and in-accurate word pictures. A critic could take those sloppy expressions and broadcast across North America a charge of heresy against the speaker. One phone call to the speaker would clarify what he meant. Words and phrases mean different things to different people.

It's sad that church people are just as guilty of character assassination as unchurched people. Paul said to the Corinthians, "I fear that there may be quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, factions, slander, gossip, arrogance and disorder." (2 Corinthians 12:20)

thermotron management

roger cannary the national service manager dispatcher at thermotron ( who replaced tom patterson, who replaced bannach, who replaced bob wiley) .. made the statement to dick alverson in texas.. about a co-worker that


....... G O O O O D H E A D !!...

Dick.. said gee.. that's not very "professional" to say things like that!!

but he as well as dave waterfield .. his 'REPLACEMENT"

.. had the same character..

Gee.. what do u think of Ron.. Wiley?.. or R U an Idoit!!

they would libel and slander their co workers behind their backs.. and conspire to defraud them..

this is the job of a manager at thermotron

Thursday, August 21, 2008

dO iT the hARd wAY

tom bannach said he has more "respect" for people who "DoIT" the hard way.. with out education, training.. and mentoring..

go to a dentist, or a doctor . a surgeon. with .. that type of BACKground..

.. NOw i iS oNe!!!

and U will have problems.... IMAGe is REAlity....

Monday, August 18, 2008

Pathological, a Compulsive, a Chronic, and a Habitual Liar?

the lessons i taught at thermotron

What is the Difference Between a Pathological, a Compulsive, a Chronic, and a Habitual Liar?
Pathological Liar

A pathological liar is usually defined as someone who lies incessantly to get their way and does so with little concern for others. Pathological lying is often viewed as coping mechanism developed in early childhood and it is often associated with some other type of mental health disorder. A pathological liar is often goal-oriented (i.e., lying is focused - it is done to get one's way). Pathological liars have little regard or respect for the rights and feelings of others. A pathological liar often comes across as being manipulative, cunning and self-centered.

Compulsive Liar

A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right. Compulsive lying is usually thought to develop in early childhood, due to being placed in an environment where lying was necessary. For the most part, compulsive liars are not overly manipulative and cunning (see, Pathological Liar), rather they simply lie out of habit - an automatic response which is hard to break and one that takes its toll on a relationship (see, how to cope with a compulsive liar).

The terms Habitual Liar and Chronic Liar are often used to refer to a Compulsive Liar.

Take a quick survey and see how your lying compares with others - compulsive lying quiz

Related Information:
forum on compulsive lying
how to confront partner who lies

lying and deception - more information on lying and deception in close relationships
Truth About Deception - back to our homepage.

Prev Page
< An Attempt to Confront a Compulsive Liar

The Jerk (1979) - Memorable quotes

I'm a jerk. I once had wealth, power, and the love of a beautiful woman. Now I only have two things: my friends and... uh... my thermos. Huh? My story? ...Huh? I am not a bum. I'm a jerk.

I once had wealth, power, and the love of a beautiful woman. Now I only have two things: my friends and... uh... my thermos. Huh? My story? Okay. It was never easy for me.

I was born a poor black holland child. I remember the days, sittin' on the porch with my family, singin' and dancin' down in holland michigan.

Ask Daniel J Okeefe... i M a Company MAN

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

satan worship at thermotron

Gee Dan Okeefe is a hard guy to worship and work 4

“As you can see there are no elements of devil worship in the Church of Satan. Such practices are looked upon as being Christian heresies. Believing in the Christian world-view of God vs. the Devil and choosing to side with the Prince of Darkness is pointless to the Satanist as neither exists. [...] To the Satanist, he is his own God. Satan is a symbol of Man living as his prideful, carnal nature dictates. Some Satanists extend this symbol to encompass the evolutionary "force" of entropy that permeates all of nature and provides the drive for survival and propagation inherent in all living things. To the Satanist, Satan is not a conscious entity to be worshipped, rather it is a name for the reservoir of power inside each human to be tapped at will.”
"The Satanic Scriptures" by Peter Gilmore1

Devil Worshipping
These are people who claim to worship The Devil, Lucifer, the Anti-God, The Dark Lord or Satan or whoever. Often they talk of their preferred deity in the same way that Christians talk of their God, i.e., worship Him or die. Frequently Devil Worshippers require that you Sell your soul to the devil in order to "be one of them".

If someone says that are in contact with an entity such as these then you're in ill company. It is Devil Worshipping that make the noises which most people assume is in league with the Church Of Satan - IT IS NOT. Devil Worshippers are immature, unstable and nothing to do with us. There are some more mature groups of people on the internet such as "The Temple of Set" and The "First Church Of Satan" who claim to worship a dark, evil, lord, but even these more established groups do not represent the view of the Church of Satan.

Most the time these people cannot verify or decide who they are actually worshipping. They claim to love the AntiChrist. They are of course admiring characters from The Bible, or more accurately, they are using characters from a variety of religions. It is very rare that they also accept the other deities and myths of the religions that they take the Devil to have originated from.

If these people believe in the Bible it is clear that Satan/The Devil is not a God, but a fallen angel. How can you worship a mere angel, an inferior? As they do not believe in the Bible it must be a different Devil that they worship, but anyone can make up a God and pretend to worship it! Many Devil Worshippers are young (immature?) and know nothing of the Bible so do not realize just how silly they are!

Actively worshipping a being that is defined as bringing you ill fate is not something a fully functioning mind does!

Some of these twisted individuals call themselves Satanists when really they are just scapegoating the religious concept of Satan in order to quell their guilt, or to justify their actions. "Satan made me do it!" - but it has been proven not to hold up in court. Some people _do_ believe it, for the same reason this is called guilt avoidance and is psychologically unhealthy but generally the people involved outgrow this - it is just unfortunate that they often do not care for distinguishing Satanism from Devil Worship.

Friday, August 8, 2008

lying made easy in Holland Michigan

the Holland michigan Dutch and Christian reformed .. the whole process .. Now U Lay down your life for the GOD called THERMOTRON.. and his deciple called:

Daniel J O'keefe

Tom patterson said that danny boy .. brought a hole new level of lying and deceite to the environmental chamber business..

bannash.. brought a new level of satan decipleship.. to the west coast.. and training..

thomas bannach N thermotron

Synonyms of 'moron'

Definitions of 'moron'
(môŕŏń, mōŕ-) - 3 definitions
The American Heritage® Dictionary
moron (n.) A stupid person; a dolt.
moron (n.) A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from 7 to 12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.

Synonyms of 'moron'
25 synonyms - Roget's II: Thesaurus
• One deficient in judgment and good sense: ass, fool, idiot, imbecile, jackass, mooncalf, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, simple, simpleton, softhead, tomfool.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

at thermotron it does NOT matter

thomas bannach and gregory V johnson bragged .. it don 't matter what U do or say 2 anyone.. so long as U get away with it!!

Oh...My...God.. U killed your co-workers..

screw U i M going home


How to Discern Evil People at thermotron when i worked at thermotron– human resourse– called me up and asked me what i wanted for my 5 year award– ( a ball point pen- or a ??) well –– Gee i think thomas Bannach is gong to drum — out everyone– out ! so as not to leave any one left who might talk “bad” about him- – and as Virginia Norris said– said — well if they are going to “harass you and drum– you out — then i’ m quiting this company– as the sales and service support person– so she was replaced with the 5th person — that left because Advertisements REPORT THIS AD thomas bannach the holland michigan Pervert and Thermotron slander achieved his objective again– and Chad the next Field Sales Engineer– said– hey how do you get customers to — make time to go to lunch with you?? and Gregoy V Johnson– the lyer and thief– said — well who can say ??- so now that northern california thermotron office — is closed– because thomas bannach libled and slandered the employee’s and promoted robbery –thief– embezzlement– – becasuse he was leaving the sinking ship– and going to ENSECO chamber co- with Randy Bunn– where he would lie and steal, and embezzle — for a few monthes more — a and then ENSECO would go to his house — on the week end and fire him- – i guess he should have called up Thomas Bannach at Thermotron– or maybe Roger Cannady and associates– as he was their inner circle who was a false wittness and defrauded his co workers– In the course of life we come across and meet many people. Some we form friendships with and others we avoid. We often keep the people that make us feel good as friends, and the ones that make us feel bad we keep our distance. The problem is that evil people know full well how to make us feel good and how to manipulate us so that they can gain power and control over us. There are two types of people we need to avoid. The aggressive and the passive aggressive types. The aggressive types use anger to control you. You go along in order to get along. They always get their way because we don't want them to explode on you and ruin the day. But then we get so angry and frustrated because we never stand up for ourselves. Because of this a wife may allow herself to be totally controlled and manipulated by the husband while blaiming herself for all the domestic problems. "Oh if I just had not dropped the dish Frank would not of flipped. I am so stupid!" The husband then uses this by saying, "You should be thankfull I married you because no one else would have you!" Men that beat their wives while convincing them that they disserved it and they had better smarten up. The solution would be for the wife to muster up her courage and confront her husband so that they can he can then have a bad day. From that point on they will avoid the wife will be in control. But if the husband is violent and physically abusive, then this solution could be very dangerous and volatile. I think most professionals would advise the woman to pack up and leave for a shelter. The passive aggressive types do not confront you or explode with anger. What they do is to subtly push your buttons until you explode and yell. At this point they play the victim and may cry. They say things like, "Why are you so angry." They manipulate us into thinking it is our fault so that we feel guilty. Once we feel guilty, then they use this to control us. Below is a list of the "Top Ten" evil people of all time followed by a list of the "Top Ten" good people of all time -- sorted in order of evilness and goodness. Please add your votes. Who would you like to see added to the list? What alterations would you make to the list or the ordering? Do the scales of good and evil balance? If I may have permission to quote you in a manuscript, please give permission in your note to me. Why is it easier to think of evil examples than good ones? Is it much easier to do something big and bad than it is to do something big and good? Developing this list was not an easy task due to the complexity of human personalities and the fact that goodness and evilness depend on the perspective of the time. (For example, perhaps many Americans consider dropping the bomb on Hiroshima "good" whereas many Japanese consider it "evil.") On the evilness scale, I gave additional weight to those people who actually enjoyed and personally participated in the utter horror they produced. When compiling the good list, I also considered the number of people killed by the followers of the "good" person during the person's life time. For both the good and evil list, I also asked myself the question, "With whom would I least like to be in a room, and with whom would I most like to be in a room?" If you are not happy with this list, drop me a line, because the list changes in response to suggestions from my readers. If you had scales and put Stalin's massacres on the left side, what could you put on the right-hand side to balance it? Extreme kindness and attempts to alleviate suffering? Curing cancer? Ending world hunger? Charity? Elevating the thinking of humankind with respect to human rights? Perhaps the very best people don't seek publicity for their good deeds; these are the unknown heroes who work tirelessly with the poor and the sick. When considering religions leaders, do we need to consider possible negative results that evolved, such as fundamentalist groups that suppress women, or the concept of Jihad, or holy war? If the Inquisition arose out of Christianity, need we consider this in assessments we make? 1. Tomas de (bannash)Torquemada (pictured here) - Born in Spain in 1420, his name is synonymous with the Christian Inquisition's horror, religious bigotry, and cruel fanaticism. He was a fan of various forms of torture including foot roasting, use of the garrucha, and suffocation. He was made Grand Inquisitor by Pope Sixtus IV. Popes and kings alike praised his tireless efforts. The number of burnings at the stake during Torquemada's tenure has been estimated at about 2,000. Torquemada's hatred of Jews influenced Ferdinand and Isabella to expel all Jews who had not embraced Christianity. H. H. Holmes - built a hundred-room mansion complete with gas chambers, trap doors, acid vats, lime pits, fake walls and secret entrances. During the 1893 World's Fair he rented rooms to visitors. He then killed most of his lodgers and continued his insurance fraud scheme. He also lured women to his "torture castle" with the promise of marriage. Instead, he would force them to sign over their savings, then throw them down an elevator shaft and gas them to death. In the basement of the castle he dismembered and skinned his prey and experimented with their corpses. He killed over 200 people.

thermotron former employee

ya dean tripp .. is a good example of what happens when U get the life sucked out of U by thomas bannach and thermotron

dean tripp/ former manager.... former sales

ya good old dean tripp in farmington new mexico..

he is a former sales man .. and he ws telling me that the big success he had in sales.. was he helped secure a 25,000 dollar sale... it was a big moment in his carreer at thermotron.. then chuck asked him to be the service dispatcher/manager in LA california.. and it was all down hill from there...

he ended his carreer at thermotron .. by being a lying lacky whore for tom bannach.. his job was to lie to angry customer's and lie to his co-workers.. and cheat on his time sheet, and travel time.. then berry wright .. tom bannach's replacement .. told him "IT IS TIME 4 U TO QUIT" AND move onnnnnnn..

when berry right asked me what i thought about dean tripp..

i told him... welll tom bannach sends him to lie to me and he likes gregory V johnson's lies and spreads those lies around.....He lies to his co workers.. and CAN'T QUITE FIGURE OUT HE IS BEING LIED TO ALSO!! .. and they STEAL N embezzle a

gIVE DEAN TRIPP A CALL.. he is a good example of a thermotron long term SENIOR field service engineer.. who lacks technical skill, and ability!!

1 Dean Tripp
Dean E Tripp
Fredericksburg, TX
Farmington, NM
Newbury Park, CA
Northridge, CA

OR give thomas bannach a call.. he is in the BOOK..
and he is a FORMER service manager, just like roger cannarey, Dave waterfiled.. and many many others...
Deanna R Tripp
Nancy R Tripp

spinless guttless wonder, thomas bannach

SPINEless GUTless WONdeR
spinless gutless wonder

I guess i was luckly that many people were up front when i was writing my thesis.. and broke the "code of silence.."

i was surprised to find the "Clock" man (bill arvo)..out of detroit from old thermotron sales man is NOT hard to come by. i guess he forgot he is a sales man and as Mike Barrs said

"U know when a sales man is lying"

because his lips are moving.

but i found it puzzling that he didn't know that most of his co-workers who i worked with didn't follow his policy.. as he was obviously in the DARK

Hil syspesma and other's referred to Tom Bannish as the "Spineless Gutless Wonder"
this is becsues he is a Passave Agressive Back stabbing Slander..

Dean tripp told me that re really didn't have the "Character to be a manager"

(and theat he was a embezzler and liar and back stabber when he worked for HIM!)

I pretty much figured that no matter what he said it was a lie..

the people i worked with under bannish mocked their co-workers behind their back for trying to live an honest life, or trying to do a good job.

(they said it didn't matter what you did to anyone so long as u got away with it and blamed it on some one else)

gregory v johnson spent 3 years stealing and robbing the customer and he robbed everything.. out of the office he worked out of. As hil sysbesma said he had tom bannish "around his little finger"

he was a neighborhood bugler and thief before working at mongumory wards and thermotron....

he robbed about 50,000 over the 3 year period at thermotron..

i asked roger cannary, tom bannish, and dan okeefe and even dave waterfield what thermotron budged for thief and embezzlement.

they got mad at me .. and sent me nasty memo's.
and said i thought i was better them them.. because i deceite robbery and embezzlement was wrong ..(also lying)

hil sysbesmahe said he wasn't as big of thief as hil sysbesma, and hil said he wasn't as big of thief as some guy called "newville" who went into sales.. just like hil.!

and dan okeefe filed a 1.2 million dollar law suit against hil when he quit.. because he wasn't allowed to work in the industry.. etc..

Dave durham the electrican called me "squeeky" and he considered it wrong for some one to expose his embezzling.. dick alverson ( texas office) told me it was common knowledge that he and john tenbrikn.. would lie abooout their co workers.. but smile to their faces..

(but was quick to put a blade in someone back)

It was pretty horriable working with such a group of back stabbers,liers,theves and embezzelers..decevers (enough to last a life time)

As Bill Wybenga in accounting once told me it is easy to get people to lie for you at thermotron.

I didn't know it was a planned business profile.. funny none of the business classes .. used that .. model..

Interesting that They the holland church goers, the Dutch and Christian reformed teach the it is the "Broad Path that leads to eternal life with Jesus not the Narrow Path"

As Tom Bannish sent out christmas cards every year the said "Jesus died for my sins"

But Jesus said "whoever does what i have commaned are my deciples"

so tom bannish like many at thermotron are going to Hell.. no big loss.

When the satan deciple told tom bannish that if he "would follow his values and worship him" (he could be in management !!) tom bannish behavior demenstrated his decision!!

It's ok to be currupt!!

tom bannish said he has more respect for people who are liars and who do "it " the hard way.

So happy new new year to u tooo

Posted by chamberguy at 6:42 AM
envirotom chamber said...
are all these people criminal psycopths ?

or are they socialpaths ?

mitch kerr at alltempengineering ,
bragged that he knew the people at thermotron were backstabbing their c-workers and were "always looking for DiRt"

and he just looked the other way..

if u asked him for insite or help

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Julian
Date: Apr 4, 2008 7:27 PM

Hey this is Pam, Bill's daughter. Who are you so I can tell my dad you say hi. He does still work at Thermotron in cost accounting and is a manager. He says he wishes he wasn't still there but he's a lifer. Did you see our pictures on my myspace? There's one of Bill and I and one with my mom Cheri and my brother Tim in Julian and my wedding slide show. You should check it out.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ppp
Date: Apr 4, 2008 6:55 PM

how about that .. one of the few "normal " people i worked with at thermotron..

is he still with them??

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Julian
Date: Apr 4, 2008 1:07 PM

yup that is right.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ppp
Date: Apr 4, 2008 12:07 PM

so is bill wybenga your wife's father??

thomas bannach thermotron

To: service@alltempeng.comSubject: who;s whoDate: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 18:15:56 -0500--------------------------------------------------------------------------------GAYman and
thermoland Ya tom bannash at thermotron liked to refer that his co-workers were GAY,,.. like he could tell the difference.. this is like jim roulofs was known for walking around with a good grip on his ankles.. curt the NEW sales engineer.. bo bjarno's replacement tells that story..the function of the national sales manager at thermotron .. as demenstrated by dickless mckenny, and jim roulfos.. was to lie to the customer.. and conspire to defraud your co-worker..